lundi 10 décembre 2012

Embedding a Core Data model from a static library project

In one of my project, I want to share a Core Data model between 2 projects. I have a common static library project where the model and classes are defined.


  • a common project that builds a static library which contains my Core Data model (to be shared with an iOS and an OSX project)
  • my main iOS project


  • static library cannot include resources
  • how can I give make my main project use the Core Data model ?


  • Create a new target of type Bundle (in OSX/Frameworks and Library)
  • Change the build settings of this target:
    • Base SDK:  Latest iOS 
    • Supported platform: iOS
    • Valid architecture: arm architecture
  • Add your model file (.xcdatamodeld) to the Build phases / Compile Sources section of the bundle target
  • Link your bundle with Core Data (add it to Build phase / Link Binary section)
  • Build the bundle target
Now in your main project:
  • Select the project to show Build Phases / Copy Bundle Resources
  • Drag the Bundle target product (from Products group in the project navigator) to the Copy Bundle Resources section
  • If it s not already there, add your static library: in Build Phases / Link binary section, use the "+" button to add your static library file
  • Load the model from the bundle:
NSString *staticLibraryBundlePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"ModelBundle" ofType:@"bundle"];

NSURL *staticLibraryMOMURL = [[NSBundle bundleWithPath:staticLibraryBundlePath] URLForResource:@"MyDataModel" withExtension:@"momd"];

model = [[NSManagedObjectModel alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:staticLibraryMOMURL];

mercredi 4 janvier 2012

Mobile Application Testing


For iOS, I use the excellent KIF from Square inc. :

Although it uses private APIs, it is still very valuable and run fast. It can also run headless on the simulator (think CI server)


Here Robolectric from Pivotal Labs is your friend :

This framework is great because it does not run on the Dalvik VM but as a regular JUnit test suite, that means speed, speed and easy integration in CI.