After some research, I settled (for now) to use Cucumber, json_spec and cucumber-api-steps.
These allow me to write this kind of test against the API:
Feature: User API
Given the following users exist:
| id | name | password | email |
| 1 | ben | abcdef | |
| 2 | jon | bcdefg | |
When I sign in as ""
And I send and accept JSON
Scenario: GET /users
When I send a GET request for "/users"
Then the response status should be "200"
And the JSON should be:
"email": "",
"name": "ben"
"email": "",
"name": "jon"
And the JSON at "0/name" should be "ben"
Scenario: GET users/1
When I send a GET request for "/users/1"
Then the response status should be "200"
And the JSON should be:
"email": "",
"name": "ben"
And the JSON at "name" should be "ben"