mercredi 1 décembre 2010

Mastery Autonomy Purpose - 1

These three pillars of motivation as defined by D. Pink seem to be a perfect canvas for evaluating one's motivation status.

Let's apply it to my previous jobs:

  • HTTP, REST API, Restlet framework (+ implemented security customizations)
  • Spring, JMS
  • OAuth, Web security
  • AndroMDA : model driven application and code generation UML -> DB-Java-Hibernate
  • Flex / Actionscript : implemented a video player and composable widgets, integration with browser plugin
  • Messaging : ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ
  • Cloud computing: Amazon Web Services, Rightscale, Engine yard
  • Javascript client side: ajax, jQuery
  • Video : playback using streaming, pseudo-streaming, download / Wowza Media Server
  • Ruby on Rails : proof of concept projects, selection and integration of all plugins needed to cover our needs
  • Agile methodology : the team is at the core and drives the project, user stories, sprint
  • Scrum : everyone involved/committed as a team (product, qa, dev), daily standup
  • Collective design of architecture and technical challenges
  • Collaborative management of issues, removal of blockers, celebration
  • Involved in the hiring process when building the team
  • Technically innovative and challenging
  • Video is fun
  • Engineering was core to the business
  • Excellent team, common goal and investment

vendredi 13 août 2010

Personal Kanban and Pomodoro technique

For a few weeks now, I've been using both a personal Kanban board and the Pomodoro technique.
I've been using the Pomodoro technique for a little while now and I really appreciate the gains in term of productivity and focus.
The satisfaction of getting the things done more efficiently feels great. The breaks are fully appreciated: they allow me to rest my shoulders and back as well as to deal with the 'noise' : emails, twitter, etc.

The personal kanban board helps me and my coworkers to visualize what I'm working on. I limit my work in progress and see at any moment what I've accomplished, what's left for the current timeframe.

I invite you to try these tools to enhance your day to day work and feel.